Sandbag Load - Basic

Recommendations: 1-5 Reps, 0.0095 Dur

Lower Back Glutes Hamstrings Calves Quads Forearms Lats Middle Back Traps Strength Sandbag Pull Compound Gym

Purpose: This exercise builds overall strength in the lower body.

Benefits: This exercise involves many other muscles.

Position a number of sandbags at a suitable distance from a waist high platform. You stand behind it in a squatting position and grab the sandbag with your hands. Your feet should be set wide, with your head and chest up. This is your starting position. Raise the sandbag by pushing with your legs and rotating your glutes and hips forward and up. Continue lifting until you are in a full upright position. Your chest should be pushed out and your shoulders should be pulled back. Exhale while doing this movement. As you lean back, carry the sandbag to the platform and place it on it. You can use your legs to push the weight onto the step. Exhale during this movement. Return to the next sandbag and repeat for the required number of repetitions.

The muscles of the lower back straighten the spine. They work together with the abdominals to keep the spine upright. The Barbell Deadlift is considered to be the king of exercises. No other exercise will work your body so much.

Step 1

Stand behind a sandbag in a squatting position.


Position a number of sandbags at a suitable distance from a waist high platform. You stand behind it in a squatting position and grab the sandbag with your hands. Your feet should be set wide, with your head and chest up. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Push your butt forward and up to start lifting the weight. Continue until you have completely stood up.


Raise the sandbag by pushing with your legs and rotating your glutes and hips forward and up. Continue lifting until you are in a full upright position. Your chest should be pushed out and your shoulders should be pulled back. Exhale while doing this movement.

Step 3

Carry the sandbag and place it onto the platform.


As you lean back, carry the sandbag to the platform and place it on it. You can use your legs to push the weight onto the step. Exhale during this movement.